Thursday, October 31, 2013

DIY Dr. Seuss Costume

This year for Halloween I decided to get crafty and make my own costume. After painting my American Flag shirt, I knew exactly what to do.  You can apply this technique to create almost any kind of shirt. For my costume, I wore white Lilly Pulitzer walking shorts, striped socks from Target, red TOMS, and a blue bandanna from Hobby Lobby.

What you will need: 

- A Plain Shirt 
- Acrylic or Fabric Paint 
- Medium Foam Brush 
- Small Paint Brush 
- Paper Plate 
- Newspaper
- Puff Paint

Step One: 

Cover a flat surface with newspaper or butcher paper, spread your shirt out flat on top.  Lay a paper plate in the middle of your shirt.  Using a small paint brush, outline the plate with paint.  To fill in the circle, I found that using a small foam brush helped to spread the paint evenly and quickly.  

Step Two: 

Once you have finished filling in, let it dry.  Acrylic paint is what I used for this project and it took only about 30 minutes to dry.  The only problem with acrylic is that the paint becomes hard and can be slightly annoying to wear.  I covered my shirt with two coats of paint, see photo.

Step 3: 

Use puff paint to write your message.  For me, my letters look better if I hold the bottle the amount a half-an-inch from the shirt and squeeze lightly.  

Step Four: 

Wear your new shirt with pride!

What is your costume today?

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