What's in the box?

The box arrived by USPS and I could barely contain my excitement. I have only been a member of the site for a few months however, the more active you are on Influenster.com, the more likely you are to receive VoxBoxes. So here is my first one, it contained three full-sized products, one travel-sized items, and two coupons. The coupons are good for Jamba Juice At Home Smoothes.
1. Covergirl Bombshell Mascara
This product works wonders on my eyelashes! Originally I was scared to apply this because I read so many reviews about girls who said the product was impossible to remove. When I apply mascara, I lightly brush it on so I found it very easy to remove. I did find that it was annoying to apply two different types each time and I do not think I will purchase this product.
First of all, I love this After Sun lotion because of the way it makes me smell. I find myself applying this on days that I am not in the sun! After hours in the sun, this product is like a huge drink of water for my skin. I would definitely purchase this and other products from Hawaiian Tropic.
When I first received this nail polish I hated the color. After wearing it for a few days, I realized it was a lot prettier than I thought! However, by the next day it had already began to chip. I know that this product is normally about $2 so it is not bad for that price. It is very easy to apply and dries smoothly. I am not sure if I will purchase nail polish from Sinful Colors for myself however, it would make a great present.
I prefer to take pills because this is a lot of liquid to drink when you are in pain. Additionally, I am not a fan of the taste. I am glad that I was able to try this product and I will not purchase in the future. If you do not like to take pills, this could be an amazing pain reliever for you!
Have you tried any of these products? If so, what do you think of them?