Big/Little Week is one of the most exciting times for sororities. Bigs sneak around to anonymously shower their littles with presents. I love creating themed gift baskets so I wanted to share some of the gifts I made for my littles. For themes, I found it best to follow this simple pattern: One day for school spirit, one for sorority spirit, one for something your little loves, and one that represents your family line.
Here are some of the baskets I made for my littles:
Sorority Spirit Basket (Sigma Phi Lambda):
This basket included a tote bag, picture frame, letter t-shirt, stuffed lamb, license plate frame, our sorority flower, hair bow, coozie, painted Greek letter that represented her pledge class, Pez dispenser with our sorority mascot, and a handmade card. I love using these baskets because girls can use them for laundry or storage.
School Spirit Basket (Go Gators!):
For this basket, I wanted to add somethings that she could use in class, at home, or at games. I made her a Gator fleece blanket, an orange and blue make-up bag with her initial, a game day button with our sorority letters, picture frame, and hair bow. One the basket I attached a large blue bow that my big put on my Gator basket. I thought it would be a cute way to pass down family heirloom. The passing of the bow has now become a family tradition.
Something Your Little Loves Basket:
One of my littles is obsessed with elephants and what sorority girl doesn't love Lilly Pulitzer? Most of this basket is filled with goodies I purchased from Etsy sellers. This canvas was painted by
Prep Essentials, a letter tote bag from
Baby Oz Clothing, a pocket mirror by
Lover Doodles, and
Mama Duck Creations made me an adorable picture frame. The basket also included a letter shirt, tumbler, Lilly journal, and elephant pen.
Basket that Represent Your Family Line:
Sigma Phi Lambda is a Christian sorority and all members are required to be in a bible study. I like to have a personal bible study with my littles, so I wanted to give her some books that we could use. The basket also included a monogram necklace, coffee cup, package of bookmarks, and bible verse art. I also included Disney princess goodies because it is a tradition in our line.
What are some of your favorite gift baskets that you have received or given?